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5 Ways to Walk More During the Day

Man and woman walking with a dog

If you're a Bruin who is working or studying at home, you probably miss walking around the UCLA campus with its stunning architecture and gorgeous scenery. But that doesn't mean you have to miss out on the benefits of walking when it's something you can do right in your own neighborhood. Here are five simple ways to walk more during the day.

1. Track Your Steps

The key to sticking with any new fitness routine is to track your progress. Your phone probably already has an app that counts your steps such as Apple Health or Google Fit. If you'd rather leave your phone at home, you can use a Fitbit or just a simple pedometer to make sure you get your recommended 10,000 steps per day

2. Walk with a Companion, Even a Furry One

Bringing a friend along will not only help pass the time while you walk, but will also provide much needed encouragement especially when you don't feel like walking. Or if you don't have one already, consider getting a dog and you'll definitely get more steps in as you take your furry friend for a stroll.

3. Walk Off Your Lunch

Lunchtime may be the only sustained break you get during your day. Take advantage of that time and take a walk after you eat. You'll get some much needed fresh air and an energy boost for the rest of your day.

4. Walk and Talk

If you have a few calls during the day, why not walk and talk at the same time? Even if only for a few minutes those steps will add up, and your feet will also get your brain moving. 

5. Listen to a Podcast

You've probably heard about a lot of great podcasts and don't have the time listen to them, but you will when you make walking a daily habit. Don't know what to listen to? See what the most popular podcasts are right now. 

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